Month: February 2013

Women's History Month

Women’s History Month: A Challenge

Overcoming Adversity As professional females, within the STEM field and in all fields, we have many questions to ponder during Women’s History Month. How do some women handle the most difficult situations imaginable and come out on top, time and again? Can this amazing resilience, positivity, and ability to handle adversity be “taught?” This is […]

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Why are Engineers Boring?

As a technology-savvy and gadget-driven a society, it is surprising that so few Americans really understand engineering and what engineers actually do in 2013. Why are Engineers Boring, while their Technology is Exciting? The National Engineers Week Foundation posed a question to leaders in the engineering field, such as Dr. Charles Vest, President of the […]

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JEC STEM Education: Preparing for the Jobs of the Future

Black History Month: Preparing for the Bright Future of STEM

As we go through Black History Month, I find myself introspective as an African-American STEM professional. We no longer have to fight to sit in the front of the bus, to go to class, or to gain an education. However, in many cases, today’s fight is to convince each other of the opportunities we should […]

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